5 thoughts on “Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

  1. not only was this video very informative, the doctor was very good at getting the nesc information out to us and no hype no frills that could sell us on one over the other no bias and he delivered the information very well as an on air personality i have been a commerical writer voice over talent and on air personality for 3 decades and i wanted to express my appreciation for ur delievery very to the point very professional and timing was comfortable and had a natural progress of thought pace thanks again

  2. Hello! I haven't received a reply from the other videos so I thought I might post here if it is okay, with regard to penis fracture. According to most articles that I have read, penis fracture occurs because the penis is too rigid or due to rough sex. If this notion is true, then doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a strong erection?

  3. i with no insurance viagra is $48 a pill, can i trust those emails i get from canada, anyones imput would be very helpful

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