This hormone is dihydrotestosterone and it is a waste product of testosterone. You see when testosterone levels die down in men, they deplete into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). If you take 1,500 mg per day of saw palmetto extract, you will be well on your way to controlling DHT levels within your body.
An additional medication is Avodort. This medication is not approved by the FDA but is pending. It is effective in treating 15-20% of cases when propecia is ineffective.
Okay well then listen carefully to a few of the things I’m revealing. You see hair loss believe it or not isn’t a genetic or hereditary thing completely. What I’m saying is that you can regrow hair and you’re not losing it just because everyone in your family line seem to have lost theirs.
Obviously results differ on an individual basis and some men will experience better results than others. The drug needs to be taken daily for at least 2-3 months before making a final decision as to whether it is worth continuing.
Provillus- Provillus capsules with hair nourishment, one capsule twice a day. Every morning and before bed, apply one dropper of Provillus Topical Solution to your dry hair and scalp. Gently work in with your fingertips. It dries quickly. Be sure to wash your hands after applying.
The causes of baldness include the most frequent cause “Androgenetic Alopecia” or “male pattern baldness.” Further reasons may include hormonal imbalance, stress, vitamin level deficiencies, autoimmune conditions and some medications.
Aloe Vera can be used in a liquid formulation and applied to the head. It aids the healing of irritated scalp and cleans the hair follicles. In doing this, it promotes their health and can reduce hair loss. It is known that Aloe vera can also help hair growth by activating important growth enzymes in the hair follicles.
Even though Provillus is a herbal product all its ingredients are of pharmaceutical grade quality. It is manufactured under stringent quality control standards and is the only FDA approved hair regrowth treatment product available on the market.