Adolf Hitler finds out his AUA residency match results. Shown at the UNC School of Medicine 2010 Skit Night by the MS4s.
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Doctor Paul Georgiadis explains and answers many issues concerning frequent diseases, origin and common symptoms of chronic prostatitis.
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Ο Ιατρός Παύλος Γεωργιάδης εξηγεί και απαντά πάνω σε θέματα που αφορούν συχνές παθήσεις, προέλευση και συχνά συμπτώματα της χρόνιας προστατίτιδας.
Αγγλικοί Υπότιτλοι.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες www.georgiadis-urology.com
Fellow IMG over here. Great Job guys wishing you the best in all your future endevours.
kind of sad for a person who didnt match
so real…. love it when the ROAD crumbles
Bahaha – i won the student research poster presentation – they gave me $100
This was funnier than I expected it to be.
How much is a letter from Stalin worth?
A little bit sad not to match after you paid a lot.
"There's always ortho."
"Everyone who is going into primary care- get out." Hahahaha. So classic.
fucking usmle……..fucked me
That was a lot better than most of these hitler videos. "I'm number 1 in my class and I want to look at balls all day."
Leadership experience:
1921-Present: National Socialist German Workers' Party (Party Leader)
-Implemented a series of national conventions, increasing party membership to over 8 milliion from original 60
-Provides a passionate voice for the far-right to ensure prosperity for the Reich
Publications (non-peer-reviewed):
Hitler A. Mein Kampf, Munich: Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1930.
Iron Cross, 1st and 2nd Classes; Wound Badge
-For bravery in combat (16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment)
I hate butt pus! Bwahahahaha
I don't know why urology is so damn competitive! who wants to look at balls all day. hahahahah LMAO
Holy crap. I'd love to have a resume' like Hitler's! -jus' sayin'. [This must be why urology has an early match program . . . .]
The last person I want performing a digital rectal exam on me is Dr. Hitler
no way half the class is going into primary care
this is very very very funny
"i'm #1 in my class. now i want to look at balls all day."
@go2ldook Neurosurgery here.
Did you watch the Carrier Classic tonight? Hell of a start to the season.