Dr. Bruce Garber www.garber-online.com gives a slide presentation on penile implant surgery, and his Maximum Penile Length and Girth (MPLG) surgical technique.
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Erection medicine can cause side effects and costs a lot of money. Herbal alternatives are often over-hyped and uncontrolled. We suggest a novel combo of proven and safe natural supplements. Invest 18 minutes of your life and learn how to reverse E.D!
Scientific research used in this video:
[1] J Sex Marital Ther. 2003 May-Jun;29(3):207-13.
[2] Urology. 2004 Apr;63(4):641-6.
[3] Urol Res. 2003 Dec;31(6):402-6. Epub 2003 Sep 24.
[4] Int J Tissue React. 2005;27(3):145-50.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Improve penile impotence
How to get an solid erection
Benefits of supplements to get hard
Natural alternative to viagra
Better intercourse
Harder Penis
Perform better in bed
Fight impotence with natural substances
How to cure erectile dysfunction
Benefits of natural molecules against ED
Video Rating: / 5
Mind Over ED is a uniquely effective erectile dysfunction treatment, which does not rely on dangerous ED medication, instead using risk-free ED therapy.>>>[ https://www.facebook.com/Sexual-Life-611184349038137/?sk=app_190322544333196=fgjh7-vbn4c ]……..
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I've tried other brands and they do but Prolargentsize is ok job but I stay stimulated almost all day and let me tell you that I get no complaints from the ladies!!! :-)
What type of damage must have happened to cause the need for this type of procedure?
It's all good, works as a good enhancer should. Feel a difference, get real big for longer time. Good Prolargent 5×5 Extreme Pills, I open the cap and take it with my drink works extra good.
@5:50 how old is the patient?
This Prolargentsize product works as expected if not more. I take 3 pills Daily what and Wow , much stronger/ harder / greater stamina and these effects last a few days. Obviously these results won't be there same for everyone. Let me add that I am very athletic / active / muscular and low body fat . I do not need this to begin with but it certainly adds much more fun and pleasure to the night. I highly reccomend this for some added "power" in the bedroom. Your woman will love it.
Are you in trouble with premature ejaculation? Lasting longer in bed is not a dream with Prolargent 5×5 Extreme after all.
this was a great video, but now i'm trying to figure out where to start
also, i read that vitamin k2 is also an option taken along with d3
if this is true, what dosage is recommended for k3?
#Weaveuh +Craig Privett – Good question. Preferably without food. However, some of the others mentioned such as Acetyl L-Carnitine & Lipoic Acid, can be taken with food. On a separate note, taking grapeseed extract with food is great for health, although to boost libido/performance, the Arginine Pyroglutamate works better without other proteins competing for it (hence without the food). @longevitypost.com
Excellent and helpful video on erectile dysfunction with well researched information. If you want to end your Erectile Dysfunction, this is the plan for you. https://t.co/s1NR968f6L
Supplements are great for a short term fix but life style changes are needed for the longer term.
how about just reducing animal products intake. ED is the earlier stage of heart disease: artherosclerosis.
With Prolargent 5×5 Extreme starting to get harder, fuller erections that last more than my usual 5 minutes. Started working in about 7 days.
Another interesting question in regards to increasing Nitric Oxide . Why not use some of these workout supplements , such as "No2 Black" which claims to increase NO by 950% . These products usually use AAKG as their main ingredient , and advertise as " extra pump" or " harder Muscles" , which make sense , however i do not see any of these products marketing towards sexual heath? Could you clarify and offer your opinion. Thank you.
Just to Clarify, If taking the GSE ( 300 mgs) With the arginine Pyroglutamate ( 2000 mgs ). Can this , or should this be taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, without food? I believe the arginine is better on an empty stomach, however , The GSE instructions advises to take with food on its label. Also, i would think to take This stack first thing in the morning and also possibly right before bed or in the evening , atleast 2 hours after a meal. So, with all this mentioned could you please explain the best way, time , with or without food to take this ? Also , the recommended frequency…… Thanks, Great Video and Discussion.
ProlargentSize gives me so much more energy and bigger penis. I have a renewed drive and energy in the bedroom. I haven't felt any side effects yet. I love the confidence boost I also get while using this. I am really liking the benefits so far. I highly recommend trying them out.
The scientific reasoning behind why watermelon juice is like nature's Viagra
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