Dysplastic kidney

Ultrasound evaluation depicts an instance of intrautrine dysplastic kidney (Potter type-ii). The kidney’s unilateral state resulted from an obstruction.
This state must be distinguished from hydronephrosis and polycystic disease. The poly-cystic disease shows miniature cysts in nearly all the instances, and is usually bilateral. Under sonographic examnination, the kidneys are depicted as echogenic and voluminous constructions. Pelvis and calices, although no cysts are observed. The cysts which were shown in this movie reveal an unusual distribution, and a variety of diameters.
In a close future, we will upload more movies to demonstrate the way the differential diagnosis has to be performed.
See more on the subject of pre-natal care at and sonography:

(Tipo II de Potter) (RDMC)
Em sua forma classica, o RDMC produz. O RDMC nem sempre e diagnosticado no primeiro e inicio do segundo trimestre. Quando o rim torna-se grande e repleto de cistos, fica facilmente detectado.
Ser diferenciado de doenca policistica e de hidronefrose that is renal. A doenca renal policistica e bi-lateral. Os cistos dos casos sao minusculos e os rins se apresentam aumentados e ecogenicos. Na hidronefrose nao se observam cistos.
O RDMC os cistos apresentam tamanhos variados e distribuicao irregular. Futuramente apresentaremos outros casos para diagnostico.
Veja mais sobre ultrassonografia e medicina em:

One thought on “Dysplastic kidney

  1. Dear Professor Bailao,
    Great video, a very useful scientific documentation indeed. I look forward to watching your next videos. I would like to suggest a short narration of the main findings during the show.
    Hermess Prado Jr M.D.

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